Hand in Hand

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Genesis Pediatric PT Spends a Week at Camp

Kim Nielsen, a Pediatric Physical Therapist with Genesis Pediatric Therapy Center, joined us for our first week of camp this year and was paired up with one of our campers to help give her a fulfilling experience as she went swimming, did archery, made crafts, and went fishing. Nielsen first became connected to Hand in Hand back in 2008 when she worked at Hand in Hand as a respite care provider and after school caregiver while she was going to school at St. Ambrose University to receiver her physical therapy degree.

“It was a great opportunity to start working with kids and families in our community. I learned a lot which carried over into my profession. In March, I was also fortunate enough to win a charity competition for Hand in Hand,” said Nielsen.

Nielsen participated in SHINE ON Quad Cities, a dance competition centered on one key mission: to benefit and raise awareness for local small businesses. She won the competition in June of 2022 and was able to donate her proceeds to Hand in Hand.

She was first drawn to the organization because “everybody deserves the ability to be included and participate in any and all activities their hearts desire. Hand in Hand provides this opportunity over a variety of platforms. I have personally seen the impact of these programs on children and their families.”

Nielsen started her day by being bussed out with participants from our Edwards Church location to Scott County Park, arriving around 9 AM. Once off the bus, groups are divided and rotate through crafts, archery, and fishing or hiking.

Lunch rolled around at 11 AM where she assisted participants with getting their food out, opening packages, then after getting swimsuits on to get ready for the pool. Participants spent two hours at the pool then would have an afternoon of playing games, finishing up crafts, coloring, the camp store, and even a visit from Kona Ice.

Nielsen was able to get time to spend at camp by applying for the Mission Scholarship through Genesis which helps support organizations that exemplify the Genesis mission and values and to honor employees who nominate such organizations. The scholarship is intended to support Genesis colleagues who take time from their job for mission work. She was fortunate enough to be selected for this scholarship to provide time off work to spend a week at Camp Hand in Hand.

“I wanted to be able to use my background and knowledge to allow a camp participant to get the full camp experience,” said Nielsen. “I love working with kiddos to help them reach their highest potential!”

She was able to use her 13 years of experience in physical therapy to better assist campers with transfers, walking, climbing playground equipment, behavioral modifications, and management, including calming techniques if something was difficult or overstimulating. She was also a familiar face to many campers which helped with transitions.

“Everyone was so helpful, fun, energetic, and inclusive. I enjoyed being able to see participants in a different environment excel and thrive,” said Nielsen regarding her time at camp. “Hand in Hand is a wonderful organization providing inclusive programs to children and families. They help empower children of all abilities to reach their goals, promote independence, and provide a community of belonging.”

She encourages others to get involved in camp and said, “You will never regret it, you will grow just as much personally, and your heart will be full!”

If you’d like to become a volunteer for Hand in Hand like Nielsen, head to our volunteer page to get started.