Bloggers with Disabilities You Should Know

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Here at Hand in Hand we try our best to be a resource for people with disabilities and their families. Sometimes that means sharing other blogs that might be of interest to you. Who better to hear from about disability issues then from a person who has a disability! Here is a list of bloggers with disabilities you should know.

Cory Lee

Curb Free with Cory Lee

Cory runs a travel blog where he shares his insights and experiences being a person with a disability while traveling. He provides tricks and tips for people with disabilities and shares his adventures so you can get the most out of your own travel experience. Cory was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at a young age, but he’s never let his disability stop him from traveling around the world doing what he loves.

Alice Wong

Disability Visibility Project

Alice Wong is a disability activist, media maker, and consultant based in San Francisco. She is the Founder and Director of the Disability Visibility Project® (DVP), an online community dedicated to creating, sharing and amplifying disability media and culture created in 2014. The site features stories from people with disabilities as well as Alice’s advice column. There is also a podcast that features people with disabilities.

Andrew Pulrang

Disability Thinking

Andrew created Disability Thinking after retiring from his position as the Executive Director for the North Country Center for Independence. He wanted to explore disability issues in a different way. He shares his insights on disability culture, language, reading, writing, politics, policy, and activism. Andrew, along with Alice Wong and Greg Beratan, was instrumental in creating the hashtag #cripthevote on Twitter, which focuses on discussing the participation and leadership of disabled people in voting, politics, and disability policy.

Chris Lenart

Disability Awareness

Chris is an author and public speaker who created his blog in 2015 after writing a book with his friend about his experiences with cerebral palsy. On his blog he talks about many different aspects of the disability community and covers a wide range of disabilities. He also has an online course for people with disabilities on how to hire a personal care assistant.

Zachary Fenell

The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante

Zachary is an author, blogger, speaker, YouTube creator, community facilitator, shirt designer, and athlete. He wrote a book called Off Balance that talks about his development into the cerebral palsy vigilante. Along with John W. Quinn, Zachary was instrumental in creating the Twitter hashtag #CPChatNow while hosting a weekly cerebral palsy live chat.

Gavin Bollard

Life with Aspergers

Gavin found out that he was on the spectrum when his six-year-old son was diagnosed with Aspergers and he realized many of the same traits his son was showing applied to him as well. Since then his other son has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum too. He now focuses on autism within his blog and aims to focus on the positive aspects of the condition rather than the negative.


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