Hand in Hand

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Staff Spotlight: Dawn Grace

What is your name, job title, and how long have you been with Hand in Hand?

Dawn Grace, Director of Recreational Programs and Volunteers. I have been with Hand in Hand for 5 ½ years

Can you describe what your position entails, or what a typical day is like for you?

Planning, hiring, shopping, scheduling, signing up new participants, working with new volunteers and interns, handling scholarships and meeting with staff and senior leaders to make Hand in Hand the best it can be!

A typical day for me is planning activities for our participants to enjoy. Then I make a calendar for parents to sign up. After parents sign up, we then staff dependent on the amount of sign ups we have. I also schedule staff to work those days while ensuring we have all the necessary items needed for our staff to make it the most enjoyable experience possible for our participants!

I answer many parent, volunteer, and scholarship emails and decide the best course of action depending on the email. I also go to the night programs to ensure they are successful and are running smoothly.

What is your favorite part about your job or memory that you have?

I think my favorite part is interacting with the participants and seeing them smile and have a great time! It melts my heart to think we are responsible for those smiles while they are with us!

What do you want people to know about Hand in Hand?

I want people to know that everyone working at Hand in Hand is here because we love the participants, staff and families! They are not work to us; we love what we do!

What hobbies do you have?

In my spare time I love spending time with my only granddaughter, as well as other family! I also love to read and watch scary movies! Not Gory! Just spooky scary and when I need to get up and move, taking walks or riding a bike is my choice of exercise.

Favorite thing to do in the Quad Cities?

I would say finding new places to eat! It is always an adventure. Of course, right now it is more of an adventure than I ever planned on! I also love going to all the different parks. Vander Veer usually has a fun interactive game.

Sweet or salty snacks?

I would say a little of each! There is so much out there! It just depends on the mood I am in. Right now, I am trying a low carb diet, so I guess salty.

Coffee or Pop?

COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE! (and then a little more LOL)

Pancakes or waffles?

Obviously Waffles!