Staff Spotlight: Molly Steil Rowland

Molly Steil Rowland with her husband and younger son.

What is your name, job title, and how long have you been with Hand in Hand?

My name is Molly Steil Rowland and I am the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Coordinator. I have been part of the Hand in Hand team since May, 2001.

Can you describe what your position entails, or what a typical day is like for you?

Home and Community Based Services refers to waiver services through Iowa Medicaid, which is the primary focus of my current role here at Hand in Hand. I like that every day is different for me, but generally, I coordinate respite, SCL, IMMT and Day Hab services with participants, their families and other case managers as well as bill Medicaid for these services. I also make sure that Hand in Hand keeps up with the many changes to Medicaid, Managed Care and other regulations. When I am not doing those things, I work with the rest of the leadership team to identify opportunities for growth and pursue them with passion.

What is your favorite part about your job or memory that you have?

This is easy-THE PEOPLE! My favorite memories at Hand in Hand involve my co-workers and the great people who participate in our programs. They also happen to be my favorite part of my job.

What do you want people to know about Hand in Hand?

Hand in Hand is so much more than a building, a program, a place. It is a culture of inclusion. It is people loving people. It’s family.

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy doing?

I love to read, be with my family, enjoy dinner with friends, dream of the future with my husband, David, hike, swim and explore the outdoors with my son, Milo.


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